The Tough Stuff: Hearts and Necklines (Part 1)

I did a 2-piece series on hearts and hemlines here and here but I have yet to really address the neckline issue in any of my posts besides in passing. I think I may have been avoiding this because it’s hard. It’s hard to talk and think and criticize yourself on (like just about anything else), let alone others. I’m not here to criticize, but there have been a few things that have pushed me to the point where I know I need to touch on this.
The first thing that prodded me to write about immodest necklines was a clothing add that I saw several months back. It really just struck a nerve with me. It was a photo of a very tall, slender model in the ‘that’s right you own the Universe‘ power stance wearing a very low v-cut, high spilt dress that said ‘Lower your neckline, not your standards’.
Excuse me? I’m sorry, but you cannot have both of those things.
I’ve said it before, (I believe in my ‘jeans post here‘) that what you wear attracts attention, and depending on our clothing choices, we can attract impure and improper attraction that is sinful; And why on earth would we want to do that?
The second thing that pushed me to write about this was a series of facebook posts – and mainly, it was the unknown hypocrisy of these posts. First, there was a selfie. And a very revealing one at that. But then, a few days later, a scripture was posted by the same young woman, that read this: Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23
So long story short, I found it very ironic that the same person that posted a major cleavage picture a few days prior is telling ME to guard my heart, in which lies behind the bosom, in which you have greatly and almost entirely revealed. (OK not me specifically, I’m being a tad dramatic).
Let’s think about why we take/post revealing photos. Surely not just for our own happiness, but for attention, and mankind’s approval and compliments. This can be true of anything we post on social media, but my point here is that evil thoughts and actions come from within, from the heart (the mind is what the Proverb here is reffering to, as you probably know the organ that pumps blood can’t think).The Bible says that we should flee from sexual immorality, because it is a sin against our own bodies. And our bodies are temples in which the Lord has given us to serve Him, show respect and reverence to Him, and glorify Him while we are here on this Earth. (1 Corinithians 6:18-20)
I want to suggest to you that posting attention drawing photos does not glorify God. It does not show respect to ourselves, or to our peers, but it definitely does not show God the respect that he undenyingly is owed.
As a young woman, wife, and member of the Lord’s church I feel that it is commanded of me to take heed of the way  I dress. To make certain that I am not a stumbling block to others, or cause for impure thoughts. The passage from 1 Corinthians above is not just a suggestion. It is a command. And it is not a difficult one to understand. If we are truly honest with ourselves, we can see that the wearing of revealing tops and clothes in general is not acceptable to the Lord. He has commanded many times that we flee sexual immorality, and this does not just mean sex. A low cut shirt can be the very beginning of sexual immorality, and that my dear friends could so easily be avoided, if we just took heed of these commandments.


In 1 Peter 5:5 we are advised to have humility toward one another, and further to clothe ourselves with it. Showing off our bodies is not having humility.
Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”
Romans 13:14 says:
But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires. (ESV)
And some versions translate “put on” as “clothe”, which makes sense, and so we are told to:
Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh. (NIV)
If we think of this in a literal sense, do you think that Jesus would want you to put on a strapless top? or a low cut shirt? or a top that reveals every bump and crevice of our chests? What about that razor back tank top, partially sheer/see-through shirt, or off-the-shoulder top. All of which have been very popular in the last year or so?
No. He wouldn’t.
The new sexy style is emphasizing your smallest points, and showing off bits and pieces, here and there. Do not be decieved by these trends, ladies. You don’t think men enjoy looking at your bones poking out of that work out top because it basically shows your whole upper back? You don’t think they enjoy seeing your undergarments and seeing that off-the shoulder top slip down just a little too far so they see everything else? You don’t think that they can’t see your cleavage or your bra straps through that sheer layer of fabric?
I think it is worth mentioning- what about what other women think. We might not like to think about it, but homosexuality is rampant in our society. You could be tempting other women and even making other women just plain jealous or envious. This is not an action of the type of woman that serves God. One that serves the Lord and gives her life to Him, humbles herself in all walks of life.
Don’t push the boundaries. Let’s respect our maker and our bodies that belong to Him.
I hope we will. And I hope that in some small way this may help you see why it is so very important to wear modest necklines.
I’d love to hear your thought below. How do you ensure that your neckline is modest?
…keep on keeping on…



8 Replies to “The Tough Stuff: Hearts and Necklines (Part 1)”

  1. I will do the bend and check to make sure that I am still modest when I bend over. However, if it is top that is slightly on the verge of being immodest, I will consider what I will be doing that day, so if I am active, I wouldn’t wear an outfit that could be immodest if I am active, i.e. doing a bunch of bending down.

  2. You’re absolutely right! And it does bother me also to see people who post one thing one day, and something contradictory the next. I always wear high tanks under my shirts, if they’re not high enough on their own. Also, sometimes a scarf helps! And I’m careful when I bend down that my shirt doesn’t come down too 😉

  3. Nicely done and excellent points!! Thank you for speaking honestly, candidly, and yet with compassion on a tough topic. 🙂

  4. What are your thoughts on women who are large chested? I am myself, and have found many tops or dresses that show 0 cleavage on the model, and are not meant to be low cut, end up being low cut on me, it’s pretty frustrating.

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