5 Hair Tips for Less Hair Loss

Have you ever combed your hair out after a shower and wondered how there is any left on your head? Yeah- me. too.

I think we all experience hair loss at different times due to stress, post-partum, aging.

Here are some things that I personally have found to combat my hair ending up in the sink instead of on my head. I’m no expert or hair scientist- but I thought I’d share in case anyone else was dealing with this too. 🙂

1.Only wash your hair 1-2 times per week. Easier said than done, I realize- it definitely takes some discipline to get to a point where you don’t have to wash your hair every or every other day. To work up to this- try to cut out a wash every other week until you’re down to just 1 or 2. Use a wet brush each day to disperse the oils and help keep them off your scalp.

2. Let your hair dry before combing out the tangles after washing. This takes discipline but I saw like 50% LESS HAIR LOSS after washing my hair. If you comb it out good before your shower then the tangles should be minimal.

3. Let your hair air dry. If you have the time to let your hair air dry- I’ve found it helps with hair loss. If not, blow dry it before you comb it out!

4. Comb and brush hair from the bottom up. This way you’re not ripping the tangles at the top and carrying that motion out all the way down.

5. Avoid using heat on your hair more than once per week. I try to curl or straighten my hair on wash day and then use product to fluff up my hair throughout the week with out reusing the hot tools. My styles stay better when I wear my hair up in a single twist bun at night to sleep. And on this note, I firmly believe that investing in quality hot tools helps tremendously when you do apply heat- as well as applying a heat protector before hand.

I hope this was a helpful post! I’d love to hear what you do to keep your hair from falling out (LOL)

XOXO ~ Taylor

3 Replies to “5 Hair Tips for Less Hair Loss”

  1. What product do you use to keep your hair nice and fluffy throughout the week? I’ve also started cutting down on how many times I wash my hair a week. I see my hair coming out of my brush (because I make the mistake of combing my hair while it’s still wet 🤦) because even with quality shampoo and conditioner my hair gets so dry when washing it too much. Thank you so much for your tips I love your blog and you do such a great job!

  2. I’ve actually been using these tips! But not for hair loss, more for preventing damage to hair. I don’t feel that it has been helping(I’ve been doing it for several months now), but I keep doing them anyway and hoping they will pay off at some point! These are really good tips 😉

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