How to Get Long Luscious Lashes at Home

Hi friends!

I’m really excited to share a beauty post with you today! A lot of you have probably heard of Rodan + Fields, right? This brand was created by the same people that created Proactiv. Anyways, for the last 1.5/2 months I got to try out one of their most popular products called Lash Boost!

Lash Boost is a serum that you apply to your upper lash line once a day and it helps enhance your natural eyelashes! And let me tell you… it WORKS!

I’ve always had pretty long eyelashes, especially with mascara, (which is my favorite makeup product of all time). But they are also pretty light (blonde hair haha). So, when my friend Victoria came to me with a collaboration proposal, I was really excited to try Lash Boost, because who doesn’t want longer looking lashes?!

Before I show you some crazy before and after pictures… let me introduce you to Victoria! I asked her a few questions so you could get to know her! (I had the pleasure of going to High School with this pretty lady).

1. Introduce yourself! 🙂

I’m Victoria McIe and I’m from Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. I work for a company called Textron in IT and have my own skincare business with Rodan + Fields! My job with Textron has moved me all over the US – first Texas for a year, Kansas for a year, Indianapolis for a year and a half, and I am currently back in Texas since March of this year.

2. What prompted you to start selling Rodan + Fields products?

I originally started selling R+F because of two things. One, I had a scar on my chin that I’d do anything to get rid of. I’d heard great things about these products and hoped they’d help my skin! And second, I wanted to make some extra money, to pay off my student loans! (Miami University was not cheap!)

3. Have you tried lash boost yourself?

I have been using lash boost for just over a year and LOVE it!

4. What is your favorite part about being a Rodan + Fields Consultant?

My favorite part about being an R+F consultant, aside from the extra income and paying !!! 4 of my 8 student loans off since starting this business !!!, is the people I’ve met along the way. I can honestly say the women on my team have become some of my best friends. Mentors, friends, inspiration, motivation, a support system. Along with many wonderful times, this last year has also brought many hardships in my life, and the women on my team, that I’ve met through Rodan + Fields, truly helped me get through those times. In some instances, I don’t know what my life would look like without their guidance, friendship, and advice. I’ve never had so many women surrounding me with support, encouragement, and love.

OK, so now that we’re all friends here… let me tell you about my experience with Lash Boost!




It was great! I used it for just under 2 months and I saw ridiculous results. Every time I look in the mirror now, I’m like “wow, my lashes look awesome!”. Every time I’m in the car with Jake now, I’m like “LOOK HOW LONG MY EYELASHES ARE!”. Then I try to wink and bat my eyes at him like a maniac… it’s great fun.

I didn’t experience any irritation. For the first month I applied lash boost every night (okay- I may have missed like 2 or 3 nights because I’m horribly lazy about taking my makeup off) but for all intensive purposes, every night. Then for the first half of August I just applied every other night! My bottle is not even half gone, so I’m super impressed with the amount of serum you get.

Ok, I will quit yapping now and show you the before and after results because a picture is worth a thousand million words!

Even after less than a month of use- I was seeing a difference in my lashes!

I still can’t get over my results….

I mean… I think these bad boys could pass for false lashes!

No Mascara:


Look at Victoria’s results!!! Not only did she use the lash boost but several other R+F products that she would be more than happy to share with you! Doesn’t she look amazing?!

*Side note* You can also use lash boost on your eyebrows! I did not try this but I might do so with the rest of my lash boost bottle, because I have an irrational fear that if I use a pencil to fill in my eyebrows I will get caught in a rainstorm and they will bleed all over my face. But seriously, check out Victoria’s above! They look awesome!

SO- now for the fun part… discounts!

If you like so many have been wanting to try Lash Boost, now is your chance!

Right now R+F does not offer discount codes, so Victoria is being a doll and hooking all of my lovely readers up with 2 options for discounts! If you have anyyyy questions about this please do not hesitate to contact Victoria ( or myself (!

Option 1: You can become a R+F Preferred Customer. To do this there is a one time $19.95 membership fee that you can cancel at any time without penalty. Becoming a Preferred Customer gets you:

  • free shipping (a savings of $10-$12 every time)
  • access to new products early
  • 10% off all R+F products
  • Automatic delivery every 60 days (optional and you are not obligated to reorder)

So basically with just one order this membership pays for itself!

Option 2: If you decide the preferred customer option is not for you but still want to try out Lash Boost, please send Victoria an email or fill out this 5 question consultation and enter your name and email at the end. If you do decide to order, Victoria can do a small cash back option via Pay-Pal after your order.


I hope you enjoyed this little review! Have you ever used any R+F products? Let me know below!

keep on keeping on…

* Thank you so much to Victoria of R+F for sponsoring this post. I received free product in exchange for a full honest review and discounts for my lovely readers 🙂 *


2 Replies to “How to Get Long Luscious Lashes at Home”

  1. I had no idea that Rodan + Fields was from the same people as ProActiv! Now I remember the name of the dermatologists being the same, but I never put that together until now! lol

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