Project Closet Purge: Part 1

I was not kidding when I said I am constantly purging my closet. So, better a little late than never to document my attempt to move to a more minimalist closet.

My husband kind of looked at me and smiled when I asked if he noticed I was getting rid of a lot of stuff. His response was kind yet vague. LOL. A typical mans response I guess. I did notice, and I don’t know what’s going on so I’m not gonna say anything. But he also related to the fact that it is very difficult to get rid of things you love or once loved and that he was proud of me (that was the very kind part :-)). The other day, he told me I could get rid of one of his pair of work boots (because they are consuming my mud room) but he distincly told me I had to do it when he wasn’t looking. I guess that’s kind of the same thing ;-).

So here is a little guide on what to get rid of and how to avoid getting to a point of major purge in the first place.

What to get rid of:

-Anything maternity.

I’ve so been the culprit of aimlessly wandering through the Target clearance section and once I find the cutest dress ever, realize I’m in the maternity section. Oh, it’s ok, I rationalize. I’ll just buy a smaller size and no one will ever know it’s maternity. I’ve not yet entered the baby chapter in my life and don’t plan to any time soon, so say it with me… No maternity clothes if you aren’t prego. If you’ve already had a child and plan to have more, pack them up and put them far away until you need them again! If not, donate or consign! A lot of second hand shops would pay for your gently used maternity clothing! If you have’t noticed my obsession with ThredUp, they make it really easy to donate by sending you a bag to fill. All you have to do is take it Fedex or the Post Office and they will sort it and pay you for the items they want!

-Items with rips and tears you won’t fix or that have a nasty stain. This includes yellow armpits. Retire that white blouse and invest in a new one for cryin’ out loud.

Let it go. Turn it into a dust rag. If it’s a staple, it’s an excuse to go shopping for a new one.

-That shirt you keep wanting to try on because you think it might be ok with those one pair of pants but you never get around to it.

Guilty as charged.

-Shoes you have doubles of. Pick your favorite color or the pair in better condition and pitch the other.

Also guilty, but believe me when I say that purging shoes is like MY FAVORITE PART. It’s liberating. I’ve slowly eliminated the ones that were just a tad too on the little girly side along with pairs that were beat up and stained and really just shoes that were odd colors. Try it, you’ll be hooked.

My goal is to eliminate enough pairs that all of my shoes fit on the above rack of my closet (excluding riding boots because they are too tall) so that I can eliminate the hanging shoe rack on the back of my closet door.

Update on the above ^^ I was able to get rid of the closet door rack since I started writing this post. So, since my post on the 1st of the year I am down from 67 pairs of shoes to 57 pairs. Woot Woot!

This can go for tops, dresses, skirts (including my bazillion jean skirts… I’m working on it!). How many black dresses do I actually need? Ughhhh. This is hard!

Rules to live by:

-Buy One Get RID of One.

SO instead of BOGO it’s BOGROO! Isn’t that fun?! Ok, maybe not at first, but it will certainly make you think twice about bringing something home from the store! A friend of mine threw this idea out there and I’ve been trying to implement it myself. I’ve also seen it on a lot of cleanout lists and minimalist guides.

-If it doesn’t fit. Pitch it.

This is one I’m having a bit of trouble with. But don’t keep it if it fit 10 pounds heavier or lighter you, only keep it if it fits the right now in this moment you. If it is still in style, consign it. Getting a little cash for your ill fitting wardrobe makes you feel a lot better, trust me.

-Purge when you are feeling ruthless.

No mercy. You have to be in the cleaner outer mode (we all have one). If you start getting sentimental because you wore that dress to your cousin’s 5th birthday party 4 years ago, maybe hang it back up and try again tomorrow.

And Finally.

Read this. I’ve read a lot of articles on what to purge but this one felt like it was written directly to me, maybe it will help you if you are trying to purge your closet too! 🙂

My closet already FEELS less cluttered, so that in itself has been a huge relief to me. My ultimate closet goal is not necessairly to get down to 40 pieces of clothing, but simply fill my (custom made by my wonderful husband) closet with modest things I love and feel good in. One of the articles I read used reverse-pshychology to say when we purge our closets, to focus not only on what we have to get rid of; but what we get to keep and why we get to keep it. When we come across something we don’t feel the same way about, we can let it go.

Let me know how your New Year’s Closet Cleanse is going!! Thanks for reading!

Keep on Keeping on!



3 Replies to “Project Closet Purge: Part 1”

  1. Thanks for this post, Taylor! I literally just went through my closet and shoes last week because I officially moved out. I didn’t want to bring all the extra stuff I didn’t even wear to my apartment. So I took a trip to goodwill before I left and saved a few items for my sisters. I feel better already! 🙂

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