Welcoming a Decluttered 2016

Lately I’ve been reading minimalist columns and articles on how to create a capsule wardrobe. Somehow, some way my closet usually ends up in a frenzy of organized chaos. The idea of a minimalist wardrobe is really really appealing to me for some reason and yet I know that reasonably this is in no way something that happens over night. To convert to the minimalist approach from where I currently am would take serious self control (you probably know where I’m coming from if you read my post on Shopping Self Control)  and discipline and even MORE purging although lately it seems like that is ALL I’ve been doing. I had a purge session while writing this very post in which I eliminated 10 various tops and 4 pairs of shoes and I’m kind of embarrassed and yet completely relieved to tell you I’m down to:

Shoes: 67  (I know, but if you knew the number about 2 years ago you’d be proud too) This includes all 3 pair of my running shoes (yes I need all 3), boots, everything.

Dresses: 51 (All seasons included)

Skirts: 49

All said and done, my closet ends up looking like this:


So no wonder this is appealing:


via stylizimoblog.com

I think this craving is also coming from my thirst for a specific style that I’m trying to define. What that is, I’m still not sure but if you’re in the same boat, puh-lease, any advice on how you refine your style is much appreciated. I’m hoping that 2016 will bring me that unknown “Style” although, for me lover of all things fashion; I’m afraid my style may never be defined by one word. But that’s OK. I don’t think I want my style to reflect the chaos that I feel my current closet depicts. It’s really not as bad as this particular picture portrays but some times I get in this crazy cleaning mode and I feel like everything is a wreck.

SO. As I proceed to grow my fashion blog while trying to nail down my style; I hope that your new year begins with a clean and fresh perspective on your style and on your life. I’m excited for what this year will hold for Modest Blondie and I’m so honored by all of the positive feedback and encouraged by your kind words of wisdom and sharing with me in striving to dress modestly and live modestly.

I’ll close with my favorite outfit from December. I really liked wearing my hot commodesty tunic over my jeans that would by themselves be immodest. I felt-good in this outfit and was comfortable all day. How do you make “Skinny” jeans work modestly?


Happy New Year,

Keep on keeping on.



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