The Tough Stuff: Shopping Self Control

Lately I’ve been struggling in the self control department when it comes to shopping. Throughout the holiday season I get hundreds of emails advertising sales and promotions from the low-end to the higher-end stores. It’s so tempting to splurge and indulge on these physical things especially when everyone else seems to be doing it. And there is nothing wrong with doing so… in moderation.

I think that the modest woman strives to have self control in all aspects of her life. Obviously we can always do better at something and that’s OK. That’s being human. I’m sharing this not to point fingers but to put down on paper why I think I need to have more self-control when shopping… We all want high quality clothes at a reasonable price; But even thrift shopping can get out of hand when it comes down to how many trips we make. I’m definitely guilty of this. The thrill of getting a good deal is probably something we all share and love to talk about. I know I do. It’s just that lately I’ve been trying to focus on the underlying reason for the clothes I buy. Is it for me? Is it to impress others? Is it to glorify God in the way I dress? I don’t want to shop just to shop any more. I don’t want to be the girl that never wears the same outfit twice. I used to be the girl that didn’t repeat an outfit but I am working on really developing a lasting style that consists of clothes I love and don’t have to bring attention to me instantly. I’m working on myself and my attitude. My greed levels and focus levels. Because as much as I love a good deal and a cute outfit, I want to put my energy into less worldly and physical things, like studying God’s word and quality time with my family and friends.

A lot of the outfits I post consist of items I’ve had for a long time. I have been relatively the same size since High School so you can probably imagine the amount of styles I’ve accumulated. But through beginning this blog I’ve been indulging in sales a lot more. I’m challenging myself to really evaluate the purchases I make. Purposefully spend on things that will last and go out of style less quickly. I hope I’ve been helpful in showing you how to do that but I want to do better.


1. Unsubscribe from emails. Especially the weekly/daily deal guys. Those temptations lead to a lot of browsing and emptying of carts at the end for me but the temptation is still in the back of my mind if I know how long the sale is going on for.

2. Every time you come across an item you HAVE TO HAVE but can’t cough up the cash for… Write it down. Come Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries etc… look at your list and see what the MUST HAVE items still are. Then pick one or two for your wish list. I guarantee you will have changed your mind on more than one thing.

3. Set a budget. Spending money varies for everyone. Obviously we shouldn’t be scraping nickles and dimes out of the couch to pay our electric bill while wearing the newest Gucci boots (wearing Gucci boots is probably not modest to begin with but any who). This is obviously an extreme analogy but I think that if we give ourselves a 3 to 6 month clothing/shoe/makeup etc. shopping budget we will really scale down and shop more purposefully.

4. Ask yourself the amount of use this item will get. This is a big one for me. I’ve really been trying to do this. Shoes is the item I struggle with. So many shoes…only 2 feet. This kind of goes along with #2. Make a list. If the item is underwear because yours are gross… man alive, buy them. If it’s your 17th pair of dark wash jeans… maybe reconsider.

5. Say no to store credits. This isn’t something I have trouble doing usually but I do have 2 store credit cards. Kohl’s and a mall store. I don’t use them terribly often but they really know how to get you back in the store, especially around the holidays. Be careful of their marketers sneaky tactics and just say no.

6. Chill out on the Pinteresting. It’s so fun and so easy to spend hours pinning inspiration. Pinterest is wonderful but we should limit ourselves in this department so that our lust for beautiful clothing/hair/makeup/bodies. doesn’t get out of hand.

Disclaimer: Throughout this post, by ‘we’ I am in every way referring to myself first and foremost as needing to follow this advice…

SO! If you made it to the end of this and are thinking ‘Wow, Taylor, you should really take your own advice’. My answer would be ‘Yes! Yes I should!’ Putting this out here will hopefully help someone struggling with this just like I am and it will certainly make me more mindful  knowing that you are all keeping your eye on me 😉 So if I show up in Gucci boots, slap me would ya? 😛

How do you get your spending under control? I’d love to hear your advice!

Keep on keeping on,


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