How To: Layer For Summer

Hey gals! I’m sorry for my long silence- life has been crazy between a vacation, summer gospel meeting, and a work trip to Brazil, I have had zero time to compose a blog post!

But today I want to talk about Summer style and how to layer when it gets hotttt. It is definitely a challenge for me in the summer time to get creative with my outfits- because a lot of times summer clothes needs layering to make them modest- and that sometimes defeats the purpose of a summer outfit.

Hopefully this will help you get some ideas on how to layer lightly so you stay cool and modest 🙂

(1) Neutral Color Schemes

One thing to keep in mind is color scheme- if you stick to one color it will be easy to layer and have everything still flow.

Here I’m wearing two cream colored pieces. They’re not the exact same color- but they match- ya know?

You can always layer black on black:

(2) Add a belt

Instead of tucking the top in and being stuffy and hot, I kept it out, and just put a belt around it to cinch the waist. You can do to this with most tops that have a flowy look to them. They’re nice and cool for summer but can still be dressed up.

Here I could have put a belt around the top and it would have created a totally different look. I could have even put this top with the white skirt, light neutral colors that flow, add a belt and wah-lah!

Bonus Tip:

I like to make my boyfriend style jeans do double duty in the summer time- roll them up two or three times and you have a cute pair of capris. Plus, boyfriend style jeans fit looser and aren’t as sticky and hot to layer!

(3) Half Tees:

I wore a cream colored cap sleeve half tee under this top. It is lightweight and not bulky like a camisole. These are perfect for summer and I basically wear one every day now for extra coverage- especially in the summer, when armpit holes in shirts are the size of TEXAS for some reason! (Still don’t get that LOL)

This is the “elegant collection” halftee in “Ebony”

This is the 3/4 sleeve halftee in olive under a spaghetti strap dress. Literally the easiest layering you will ever experience without the heat and bulk of a t-shirt or cami.

(4) Wear a slip

I know I probably sound like a broken record on this, but in the summer time, layering a slip under skirts and dresses is KEY to a complete look and helps you avoid peeling your self off plastic chairs and benches (LOL). Just sayin’.

With this look especially, I needed a knee length nude colored slip, even though the whole skirt is lined, you could still see through it without a slip.

I would recommend the nude honey slip, but I didn’t have one of those so I opted for a half slip. This one is reasonably priced and will be used often- I guarantee!

So there you have it! 5 ways to layer your outfits this summer to stay cool and modest! I’d love to hear some of your tips and tricks for layering in the warmer months… leave them in a comment below!

Thanks for following along.

Keep on keeping on…

3 Replies to “How To: Layer For Summer”

  1. I feel like every season comes with its own challenges, and modest dressing can create different ones! But it’s definitely possible to still be cool and modest in the summer, yay! I like your tip about the slips, because I wear them all the time, but didn’t think about how they serve for that reason too!

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