How I Style Leggings Modestly

Hey there, Valentines!

I just realized that this is my first post in February and the month is half way done! Today I wanted to share one of the ways I wear leggings modestly. I feel like this is such a touchy subject for some reason but I honestly feel weird when I just have leggings on. It seems like such a De-sensitized subject but I don’t like to take it lightly. I have my own kind of “guide-lines” if you will on what I feel comfortable wearing leggings with but I’ve found it is usually different than most peoples.

Have you ever just sat and thought about the word leggings? Have you noticed that older people often call them “leggins” which cracks me up in the best way. Leggings…. leggingssss… leggins…. legg….. ok sorry. I’m done, haha!

One of the ways that I think leggings come in handy are for those fit and flare dresses that are just an inch or two shorter than you like. I’ve found this to be pretty common and I am short so I imagine that I am not the only person who has discovered this problem. I like to have a thick (read: not see-through) pair of leggings on hand to throw on under those types of dresses. I have a couple of black pair and then a black and blue combo pair (I wore them here). Typically I buy a size medium and I would consider myself a size small in most pants. This way they are not so skin tight that they create bulging and its safer to dry them in the dryer when they are a size bigger.

I haven’t found a good pair of footed leggings yet (if you know of some please do share in the comments or email me from the contact page). But when you style fit and flare dresses or skirts with boots, I think that normal leggins (lol) work just fine. I like to keep the color a dark neutral. I’m not super into bright colored leggins.

I got this Ann Taylor dress at Connie’s Collections (local consignment shop). It is such a versatile all season dress but with just panty hose on it feels a bit short, especially in the back. So I threw on some black leggins and flat black boots to remedy the situation!

Here are some links to the exact (or similar) items in my outfit:

similar dress

exact leggins

exact boots

similar cardigan

similar coat

exact earrings (made by the talented Catherine Blubaugh)



So what do you think? Would you wear leggins this way?

keep on keepin’ on…


2 Replies to “How I Style Leggings Modestly”

  1. I mainly wear leggings for warmth in the colder months, but not because it actually *needs* it. But I have worn them under dresses that are just an inch too short for my liking! I just can’t do that much in the summer because it gets hot lol

  2. I totally get the summer thing. That’s why I try to avoid purchasing dresses where i know I’ll need them but sometimes it happens haha. Thanks for reading!

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